Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An Ode.

An Ode to Love Lost

A while ago, I met a man in a most unusual way
And while we had never met, we talked ‘most every day.
We spoke of politics, religion, philosophy and race:
The history of how things had come to be in this time and place.

I had forgotten what it was like to connect with someone so completely
Agree we did, and all the time, as we got to know each other deeply.
We spoke of gardens and travel and I soon came to know
The man whom I’d chosen as my mate would just have to go.

My mate was sweet and handy and he could fix most anything
If you allowed for do-overs, mess-ups and things tied up with string.
He wasn’t deep and didn’t care to speak of economics, politics or anything complicated
“Idiots all,” was how he dismissed it-all highly overrated.

I examined him and our home and world and came to finally see
That I would rather be alone than face the rest of life: him and me.
So I ended it, finally, with much angst and pain and consternation
Wasted energy it was as he replaced me instantly without an ounce of hesitation.

As for the other man, well, I suppose I got what I deserved
We finally met and although it was grand I should have been more reserved
For I was honest as always and soon learned that his desire
Was to get to know me better not to embrace the fire.

Why now does all this come up in this love lost ode?
I heard from each recently here in my humble abode.
The one has moved on and she and he really are quite swell.
The other, well he just says that he wishes for me well.

I’m lonely now, was lonely then, but it’s better to be alone
Than be lonely when you have someone ignoring you at home.
And as for my wish, yes, that too came to be.
“I’d rather be alone,” I said. I am. Yay me.